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Ahimsa: Living in Kindness
The Yamas and the Niyamas, the first steps on Patanjali’s Eight Fold Path of Yoga, are guidelines to living a meaningful and purposeful life. When combined with the steps of recovery, these ethical practices can enhance emotional and spiritual healing to create a greater sense of wellbeing.
The Yamas deal with integrity and how we treat ourselves and others. From the yoga concept of “we all are connected,” our behavior and intentions affect everything around us. When we are out of integrity, we forfeit the gift of personal fulfillment and continue to suffer.
The philosophies of yoga mirror the principles of honesty, willingness for inquiry, and service to others, which are crucial to creating peace of mind and healing in recovery. The path of yoga is a journey from the thoughts in our head to the feelings in our heart through compassionate self love. It is the way to know and accept ourselves as we are.
We begin with kindness. The first Yama is Ahimsa which translates to “non-harming.” It is living with gentleness in actions, thoughts, and words. The practice is in compassion, love, understanding, patience, self love, and self worth. It is learning to be vigilant in our observation of how our thoughts and intentions not only affect those around us, but how we affect our own sense of self worth.