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Guide Me, Niyamas
The Niyamas are yoga practices that bring us in alignment with our highest selves. They are guidelines, along with the Yamas on the Eight-Fold path of yoga, that show us the way to experience our humanity as spiritual beings.
If we “live” our yoga respecting these ethical and moral rules, our inner universe transforms as we develop awareness around how our lives are affected by the actions we choose. The Yamas are restraints, or simply habits that don’t serve us, and the Niyamas affect the relationship we have with ourselves at a core level and how we feel at the end of the day.
The Niyamas are described as follows:
- Saucha is purity: the act of cleansing our mind, our thoughts, and our bodies. Learn more.
- Santosha is cultivating an attitude of contentment, or letting things be in a space of gratitude and acceptance. Learn more.
- Tapas is the Niyama of transformation by applying “heat’ in self-discipline and strength of character. Learn more.
- Svadhyaya, self-study, is the journey of knowing ourselves and the invitation to let go of our “stories” that shadow truth. Learn more.
- Ishvara Pranidhana is the opening of our heart with faith, surrendering to our Divine nature and flowing in the river of wellbeing. Learn more.
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