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Ignite Strength & Courage with this Sequence
Durga is the goddess of courage and strength. We recognize Durga in strong winds, crashing waves, high surf, autumn, bonfires, and mountains. She’s the energetic quality of courage and inner transformation. We embody Durga’s warrior spirit when we choose to act in spite of fear. Show up and be seen with this empowering sequence. I call it Dancing Warrior Asana.
Tadasana (mountain pose)
Warrior I | Step your right foot forward.
Warrior II
Warrior III | Shift your weight onto your right foot. Lift your left heel up toward the sky. Square your hips to the ground. Bring your left hand in line with the right.
Exalted Warrior or Reverse Warrior
Humble Warrior
Hold each pose for one full breath cycle. Inhale and exhale completely before moving on to the next pose until you’ve completed the entire sequence of 5 warriors. Return to tadasana, step your left foot forward and repeat on the other side for one full round. Complete 9 rounds of Dancing Warrior on each side.
Follow asana with skull shining breath (kapalabhati) for 2 minutes, unless you’re pregnant or have any condition contraindicating vigorous abdominal breathing. Please always check with your physician if you’re unsure.
Kapalabhati Pranayama: in sukhasana, easy seated pose, open your arms to a Y. Tuck fingers into palms, plug your thumbs into the sky. Vigorously contract your lower belly, between pubis and navel, to push air out of the lungs. Focus on exhaling with short explosive breaths. Allow inhales to…
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