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Meditating with the Noting Technique
Have you ever arrived at your destination and wondered how you got there?
Maybe after your daily commute or just a walk around the block — you turn the key to your front door, and suddenly you snap back and realize you’d been elsewhere?
This is called auto-pilot. It’s a state that we can fall into when we perform the same task many times; we can operate without awareness, without even thinking about what we’re doing.
That default mode setting is basically the opposite of mindfulness and can lead to a feeling of melancholy. If you notice yourself operating in a mindless state, there’s a specific meditation technique that can make a big impact on bringing back your awareness — the noting technique.
What is the noting technique?
The noting technique is a form of mindfulness meditation. As the name implies, it’s about taking note. You use your awareness to recognize and name distractions as they arise. By doing so, you are able to create separation between yourself and the occurrences of your mind. This practice is quiet and non-judgemental.
How to practice the noting technique
We recommend starting with a 5 minute practice.
Come to a comfortable seat and close or soften your eyes. Tune into your breath. Bring softness and stillness to your physical body. Set your focus on your breath. As you become distracted (as you naturally…