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Yoga Medicine for the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is the center for creative expression and communication. Vishuddha means ‘to purify’ in Sanskrit, apt for this chakra since it is the ‘bottleneck’ of energy that connects your ethereal chakras (third eye and crown) to your lower four chakras. Balancing this chakra relates to aligning your vision to reality by speaking and living your truth.
A blocked throat chakra could be related to feelings of stunted creativity, being afraid of silence, the inability to express or advocate for oneself, or maybe feeling like you aren’t acting or communicating your truth. Trusting in truth, or Satya, is one of the five yamas of yoga. Speaking your truth is an act of love to yourself and an act of kindness to others. Remember, Clear is Kind, Unclear is Unkind.
Physically, the throat chakra relates to the distance from your jaw to the hollow of your collarbone. This area includes your thyroid, so interacting with hormonal fluctuations, metabolism, and energy regulation. The throat chakra also closely relates to the heart chakra. A blocked throat chakra can weigh heavy on the heart, so it may be useful to incorporate some heart openers into your throat chakra practice.
For breathwork, Lion’s Breath or Brahmari are especially useful for balancing your Vishuddha.