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Yoga of Relationships
Learning to pause is the first step toward transformation and healing in relationships. When triggered, we can take a deep breath before jumping to blaming, withdrawing, obsessing, or distracting ourselves. In the space a pause creates, our natural awareness can arise, allowing us to be mindful and to recognize what is happening inside us without judgment.
I love the Buddhist quote, “Before you speak, pass your words through 3 gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?”
By pausing, we begin to unwind lifelong patterns of avoiding, attacking, and distancing.
In yoga philosophy, there is sukhaand sthira, meaning, respectively, softness and strength. When both are present, a deeper expression of a pose is accessed along with the feeling of flow and ease. When we have that same balance in our lives and relationships, we experience more joy and acceptance with how things are.
Yoga means to connect…to yoke together. The ritual of saying namaste at the end of a yoga class is the acknowledgement that our light recognizes and sees the light in another and creates connection on a deeper level. Cultivating connection within ourselves between our body, mind, and spirit enables us to manifest mindfulness and compassion. With mindfulness, we see clearly what is going on inside us, and with compassion, we understand we are all perfectly imperfect. We can respond to our partner with..
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